Saturday, February 25, 2012

Blisters, Blisters, and more blisters!

I have been running about a month, and i am still getting blisters.  I think part of it is i am not letting them completely heal, but most of it is because my feet are not used to being treated like this.  So basically what is happening is I will run, it will heal in about a week by my next run, but a new blister will just develop right underneath it after that run.  Can you say annoying!!!  
(Its hard to tell in this picture but where its read in the middle a new blister is forming under the dried skin, Part of the white on top is the old skin, an part is a new blister.  And then its hard to see but a new one is forming at the very bottom where its a red color under the white.)

Ok so i totally know you wanted to see a picture of my very veiny foot!!! haha

With that said today i kept my run to 3 miles.  My feet were really sore because i ran 3 miles yesterday so they just couldn't do a long run.  Even only doing 3 miles i was exhausted i had been outside all day and was a little dehydrated and then ran around 2 in the afternoon, in a 75 degree sunny day.  

While this may not have been great weather to run in, it couldn't have been any better to ride in.  
It was just such a nice perfect day.  I rode for a good 2 hours, in a freshly graded arena.  Ok, to make it even better, my dad did not just grade it he also smoothed it out so the arena was even.  Let me explain that, so especially with barrel racing, the arena develops what we call "holes" basically in certain spots dirt goes down a little bit from so much use.  So he got rid of all the holes and its was so nice to ride in.  It's good for horses to go a while without shoes to let their feet grow out, since I'm gone its a good time for that, so the horses don't have shoes which made it even nicer that the arena was soft.  Not to mention the fact that if i get bucked off it wont hurt near as bad.  haha.  
Before the ride started i thought today was going to be my day to get bucked off.  My dad likes to run the horses around when they havn't been ridden but i don't like that so he took Sixer "his horse" and I left my horse (Classy) in the pen.  The way the barn is set up, you cant see what is going on in the arena if they are in the pin, and man did Classy not like that.  I have never seen him so crazy before.  He was pawing at the fence, running into it, practically nocking me out with his head, rearing up a little.  I had to let his halter go so he didn't get himself all tangled up.  I just knew i was in for a real treat today.  So to get out some of his energy i lunged him.  Lunging is just tying a long rope to there halter and making them run in circles around you while your on the ground.  It is also a pretty good indicator of how they are going to act for the day, without you getting hurt.  He was perfect on the lunge line and rode perfectly.  Classy was very receptive, didn't even throw a fit when Sixer got to be put up and he didn't.  I was in shock.  

(my favorite place to be)
Can you tell nobody has roped in a long time.  Look at all the weeds.

To make the day even better, my parents are taking to my favorite restaurant tonight.  While some may think ok thats nice, it actually is really nice when your favorite restaurant is in a town 45 minutes away.  I don't think i could be anymore spoiled.  

All in all, today was and is the best day i have had in a very long time!!

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