Friday, February 17, 2012

7 miles... no i think ill do 8.

When training typically I am supposed to add a mile each week.  Since last week was six miles today I should have done 7.  Actually it is supposed to be my relaxing week, and I am only supposed to run 4 miles, but i just couldn't make myself stop.  What really happened was at mile 5.25 i stopped to get a drink of water and accidentally ended my workout.  So, since i was past an even number i decided ok i have to do 2 more miles to make it the seven but if i did that then i would be above seven so i said hey do 8 and end on a solid number.  So that is what I did.  I had to stop and get water twice and go to the rest room.  So it wasn't completely done without stopping, but at 8 miles I have to start hydrating myself and the rest room, well out of my control.  haha!! So really i did 8 miles without stopping.  

My run was extremely hard.  Probably because of my food consumption yesterday.  Yesterday i ate cookies and had frozen yogurt and even 2 pieces of bacon, and all in the afternoon to night.  Yes, I know great diet right???  Since i ate so much yesterday I didn't eat breakfast because i was still stuffed.  Typically i think that would not be such a big deal but my blood sugar must have been low because i was a little dizzy at the end.  Also my right knee was killing me.  It started to hurt a little at mile 3, but it was pretty normal, not even pain just annoyance.  By mile 5 it was killing me.  I had to stop at the light, (did i mention i hate stoplights) and tried to walk it out.  I found it hurt so much worse when walking than running.  I couldn't even walk on it.  I ended up having to stop again at the next stoplight and could not walk at all.  It was excruciating.  However, since it did hurt more walking i made myself do the last mile instead of stopping at 7, convincing myself that it needed to be walked out and this would make me walk at least 1/2 a mile back to my house.  Also, telling myself that if it could run 7 it would have no problem running 8.

As you can see, i just have to trick my mind all the time to make myself go farther, or faster.  I don't have the endurance yet that these runs are easy and just a fun little stroll they are still hard for me, but at the end i feel great.

When i came back home, my roommate and her friend (an attractive guy) were on the couch.  Apparently they saw me leave to start my run like an hour and a half earlier and he goes, "have you been running this entire time."  When i replied yes, he then asked "How many miles did you do." He seemed very impressed.  Also around tempe town lake there are stables with horses and cattle.  Today there were lots a cowboys working and saddling the the horses.  Real cowboys too.  Maybe there is still hope for tempe after all.

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