Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Three white dresses

Written 8/19/12

When I was a little girl there was a poem I heard in church called my three white dresses.  I loved that poem and since then it has always been one of my favorites.  There was a girl named Sarah and we were inseperable.  Born just four days apart, we are destined to be best friends.  As a baby we had our baby blessing on the same day, solely because of our age.  As an eight year old we chose to have our baptism together.  At this point we understood the poem read to us and always joked we would wear all three white dresses together.  No we were not that gullible but we thought wouldn't that be cool!  Yesterday she received that third white dress.  On a temple meaning more to me than all but one other.  A temple my ancestors helped build and a temple that my family got to do my grandmothers work in.  Oddly enough we were here in manti, on the day of her wedding.  To see your childhood best friend the one you dreamed with about this day and time on life, wear her final white dress, is such a great experience.  Today is a day that will always be important to me.   I'm so proud of her, I'm grateful to have spent my childhood together with her.  I'm so happy for her, but at the same time a little bittersweet.  Those childhood memories are just that... Memories.  But they built me.  Thank you for being such a wonderful best friend!

Now onto the not so little but after the above very little of importance in comparison.  My sister ran a half marathon!  Congrats big sis!  I ran the last three with her the we both did two after that.  So I ran five miles and it was so easy!!! Whew.   good thing since my
Marathon is in like 5 weeks and I havnt ran since march.  Eek!!  Maybe Saturday if I have time I'll do my big run and just see how far I can go so I can get this whole thing going.  Also I should be a carpenter.  Ha!!! (sarcasm). although I can now use all the vital power tools.  Saws, nail guns, drills, etc.  I only broke one blade.  (im impressed with myself)  Seriously my parents and I have been on what they call vacation visiting my sisters.  I call it work.  We built a fence, framed a basement, and loaded 200 bales of hay.  On two of the days that we didn't work from sun up till 9 at night we had 3am and 4am wake up calls.  A few years ago I would have called this torture.  Lol.  Our only actual vacation part was we went white water rafting.  So much fun.  My sister and I wanted to be adventurist and when in a two person conoe by ourselves.  Our tour guide definitely got some comedy out of us.  We couldn't get together and kept going in circles but we finally figured it out just in time for the rapids.  We didn't even tip it thought we came very close.  After lunch my mom wanted to test it out so me and her went and we hit a giant rock I was about half out of the boat, but we came out on top.  Lol.   It was a great trip!  I just love getting to see my sisters.  I only get to see them once or twice a year for just a few days each so it means more and more each year.  I think I have a procrastination problem but I've only sorta packed up my room so I still gotta finish packing then put it in the car move unpack and buy books errands, etc., all tomorrow cuz school starts Thursday.  I'm going to be so tired but I'm ready to be at home and not live out of my suitcase like I have all summer.  It's a little bittersweet this time cuz I'm leaving more than just home. I'll miss him but on the bright side I get to see my friends again.  My parents always said college is where you make your life long friends I never really thought that, I thought high school friend would be my forever friends, but I have learned my parents were right.  I should know to just believe everything they say, they are always right.  Can't wait to see them Thursday and the rest of them Saturday!!

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