Thursday, April 12, 2012


So, if you have been reading my blog it is no secret that i don't actually listen to training programs or gradually increase miles or speed.  I do not have the patience for that.  Unfortunately, it causes a lot of injuries.  The positive of having had so many injuries is I know exactly what i have and ways to test it without even going to the doc.  
For instance, if you can walk on your leg but it hurts, try to jump on it if you cant its a stress fracture.  A stress fractures pain will also be more horizontal while shin splints wont be as local and will go vertically up your leg. If your achilles tendon is bothering you, to test if you have a tear squeeze your calf while lying down (though being on all fours works too) and if your foot points there is no tear.  Most likely you have achilles tendonitis (they don't call it that anymore but its the same thing.)  Now obviously i am no dr. and there is more stuff that i don't know about than what i do, but when it happens to me again i can remember what it was like in the past and can practically diagnose myself (Even though technically only a doctor can diagnose you).  
Well I think on saturday i pushed past what my body could actually handle.  Remember how i told you my calves were extremely tight at the beginning and i almost quit but pushed through and then my left achilles tendon really hurt.  Well as my nursing friends already know, your achilles tendon is connected to your calf so if your calf is tight your achilles tendon has to stretch more and do more work. Therefore hence my achilles tendon hurting so much.  However no tear according to the calf squeeze and the fact that i can still point and flex my toes.  Also i now have a shin splint in my right leg.  Before training for my first marathon i had never gotten one, but since then i get them quite often like multiple times a year.  I wonder if all this running and not enough cross training is making some muscles really strong which creates like an imbalance in the muscles??  I know they say if your prone to get them you need to wear minimalist shoes but if i wear those i would sprain my ankle all the time.  Which if possible would make my ankle even more unstable.  I might have to gradually decrease from my stability to neutral to minimalist.
Unless injuries really interest you like they do me, this was probably a very boring post.  So here is to laughing to release some endorphins.

Curtesy of BomBay pinterest

The rest are all ellen.

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