Friday, March 9, 2012

Getting Back into the Swing of Things??

So first of all, I am in nursing school and in it i just switched from adult health to psych nursing.  Once adult health ended we had about a week off and it was amazing.  Maybe a little too amazing, as I am having a very hard time getting motivated to do anything, including running.  

While i may make the excuse that i was trying to get my blisters to heal, or that my family was in town, i really just didn't have enough self determination to run in the last two weeks.  Honestly i think a big part of it was that the last two times i ran i could only do 3 miles and was dying, and felt like i had just run a marathon and could not move.

Well i decided today is the day i finally get over being lazy and get back to running.  Between school and my errands i didn't get home till after 3.  Ok i know that is early but later than my normal fridays.  So i decided to take a nap, and slept until 6.  oops!!  Oh well.  To spruce up my workout, I woke up and ran to "A" mountain about 2.5 miles away.  Hiked up it, then turned around and ran back.  Unfortunately, I took a little too long of break at A mountain/I left to late, so it was dark by the time i got home, which is a definite no-no at least for a smaller 5'4'' girl. 

All in all i ran 5 miles yes split in half, but oh well!  Tomorrow is my big run, not sure how much to run since i have not ran it two weeks and that always throws off my mileage but ill try for 8 again. Lets hope i can do it without dying.  Not promising much!

On some more excited news, I am getting a new car!  Ok, in like 2 months i am getting a new car.  But i am still so stoked.
This exact make model etc, except I think I am getting it in white!

The best part though is the interior.  It has where you can plug you phone into it on a screen it will show you your playlist or basically what your phone shows you but on the car.  It also has GPS, which is like whatever but will be handy, but even cooler than that I can talk to it.  Ok sorta, it has bluetooth which i will probably never use but i still have always wanted to talk to my car.  haha  basically i can say call xxx and it will call xxx for me.  It just does all those fancy little things that i will probably never use.  
So this is like it but they have it set to radio but it also does ipod, which you can say like songs or playlists or whatever.  Its a touch screen and is just unnecessarily nice.  And this is totally something i wouldn't care about but my sister thinks its pretty sweet, unlike most cars it has 8 different speakers in it.  Apparently it makes it really clear, but whatever.

Basically I am spoiled and have no right to drive a car like this.  I personally didn't mind my ghetto old lady car, but whatever.  We are taught to accept gifts with grace right???
On a more sad note, my horse stepped on wire.  To explain this, horses hooves are like peoples nails, so its ok if we cut off the nail that is not connect to the skin but if we go to far it hurts.  Horses are little bit the same but the problem is his a puncture, so like if i dug a knife into the middle of your nail, but kept going past the skin and into the tissue.  The positive is, it doesn't seem to be bothering him, the negative is its pretty serious because of the risk of infection.  Unlike humans who can put a bandaid on it and block out dirt and germs we can't do that with horses so we just have to spray it every night with disinfectant stuff and hope his natural immune defenses are stronger than the bacteria.  This happened tuesday and so far so good, so lets hope it stays that way.  Unfortunately unless its healed in a week i probably wont be able to ride him.  I guess i'll just have to ride sixer.  Good thing i have plenty of gauze (from nursing) to cover my saddle sores.  The last couple times i rode him i got blood on my saddle.  So on the stirrups theres a big blood spot and dripped down it.  Then i tried to wash it off, which just made a smear and darkened the leather.  If only i could ride every day so my legs would toughen up but i ride just enough that i still get the saddle sores but not enough for my skin to adjust.  Lame!

So since this is a running blog, (though i think I talk more about horses) i should probably end it on a running note.

I have run 125 miles, i wanna say only about 50 since i started in in feb or end of jan, (whenever i started)  Yes i keep disappointing myself. but on a more positive note.